Online Giving

Want to make a donation to support MAEF’s education and outreach initiatives? Use the link to donate the following funds; MAEF 1989 Society, Dr. Ronald Seibel Scholarship Fund, MAEF Scholarship Fund, George Mayo Fund, Velma Clark Award, LET’SGRO Grants, and more!

Support MAEF here!

** MAEF is a 501c3 Non-Profit Charitable Organization. Our Mission is to promote the understanding and appreciation of the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.   FY: July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024


Cash Contributions

Direct cash contributions to the endowment fund.

Charitable Bequest*

A charitable gift that comes from someone’s estate either through their will or other trust document.

Charitable Remainder Trusts*

A trust that provides income back to the donor for a period of years or their lifetime. The balance remaining in the trust after the income beneficiaries have passed away is distributed to the charities of their choice. These trusts are often funded with real estate or appreciated stock. The income payments may be either fixed or variable depending upon the wishes of the donor.

Gifts of Stock*

Appreciated securities provide an excellent way for donors to make charitable gifts and may provide tax relief on the capital gain.

Gifts of Retirement Plans

Donors may contribute to the MAEF Endowment through their estate by donating the remainder of their retirement accounts after their lifetime. Individuals can choose to give part or all of the remainder of their retirement plan.

Gifts of Life Insurance*

Many life insurance policies allow donors to name charities as the beneficiary. Existing life insurance policies no longer needed by a donor may be gifted to the MAEF Endowment.

Charitable Lead Trust*

Allowing donors to transfer the income from an asset to the charity. The asset itself reverts to their family after a period of years. This can be an excellent planning tool for those individuals and couples who are most concerned about the effects of estate taxes upon their heirs.

Charitable Gift Annuities*

Represents an excellent way to provide a charitable contribution to the MAEF Endowment while the donor receives a guaranteed income for life. This income may also continue for a second annuitant.

Gifts of Real Estate*

Families are often faced with significant capital gains tax liabilities when selling real estate. Making a charitable gift of real estate property prior to its sale may offer donors relief to these tax burdens.

Gifts of real estate can be used to build, for example, an FFA Training Center or an outreach facility.

Honors & Memorials*

Donations and contributions honoring and memorializing individuals retain recognition in perpetuity.

Professional Assistance*

It is recommended that donors work directly with qualified professionals when establishing a charitable bequest. MAEF will happily facilitate the introduction of qualified professionals who can assist donors in making their contributions to the MAEF Endowment.