About Us
MAEF’s mission is to promote the importance of agriculture in everyone’s daily lives.
The Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1989 as recommended by a Governor’s Task Force.
The Foundation’s mission is to promote the understanding and appreciation of the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.
The Board of Directors meets six times throughout the year with Gail Yeiser serving as President. Activities of the Foundation are supported through the efforts of volunteers and donors to the organization. Additional funding is provided through the Maryland Ag Tag , thanks to the support of the Maryland General Assembly and Governor.
The MAEF Main Office is in the Senator William Amoss Agriculture Center at Swan Harbor Farm in Harford County, Maryland.
With the generous support of many individuals, organizations, businesses and institutions, MAEF continues to build premier educational program enhancing education and agricultural literacy statewide.
Why Teach about Agriculture?
Agriculture plays a critical role in our lives. It provides an experiential teaching tool for the core curricula of science, social studies, life skills, mathematics, and language arts. Incorporating agriculture into teaching and learning creates the foundation that students, as future citizens, need to make educated decisions regarding food choices and nutrition, community issues, land use planning, and natural resource conservation.
The Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1989.